
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi all...

i'm trying to offset these grid (with clipper plugin )and loft them, but i can't do this...

if anyone can help... 


Views: 1695


Replies to This Discussion

Hi esmaeil,

I am not sure why loft fails, maybe you can try using loft options to see if something works.

In any case this is a possible workaround:

hi nikos..

GREAT thanks for your answer ...

but when move on of them in z direction..we should loft them...

I am afraid that's true. In that case your only option is to scale as Joaquim suggested, since the offseted curves have different direction (you found this as well and fixed it with FlipCurve), different starting point (which can be fixed with Seam) and, most importantly, different number of vertices. This causes diagonal connections during loft and I can't think of a way to fix it...


It seems the regular offset component doesn't have this issue of flips and seams. However, there is the different vertices which is just a problem with offsetting geometry in general. It seems setting loft option to tight gets a nice result and at least keeps the uniform offset thickness.   

I got dizzy from going up and down on this thread :)

You are right, this way it works better. It gives twisted results with some offset values though, but it's still an improvement.

great thanks michael :)

thanks nikos ;)

hi Joaquim

thanks for your answer...

but if offset them we can get better results ....

You're right, offset is a much better option for irregular curve shapes. Scale won't keep distances the same between edges. Here is a nice clean option. Offset with the neg value then use the lists of original shape with offset shape to define an edge boundary surface. 

hi michael

thanks for your answer...

but when i use more complex patterns(grid)  should use clipper offset instead of common offset..clipper plugin have more options for offset ...i will send this pattern for you...


Hi Michael,

I am afraid this still won't work if he wants to move the inner polylines in Z, no?






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