
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I am trying to prepare a Model for a 3 D Print. To create the facade of my building I morphed a brep-element on a lofted surface. 

Now I want to convert the breps into one single mesh, but there are gaps in between the morphed elements. Does anyone have an idea how to close these gaps?

Thanks for your help!

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I thinking about a startegy to loft inbetweeen the naked edges.

Hi, Anastasia

I think your base unit mesh does not coincide at four side of vertices.

If you can adjust your mesh a little bit in rhino, then you'll have your final mesh frame.

For 3dprint, you'll have to check your final mesh good or bad.


Thank you a lot! Now it work fine! So what did you chage? Is it because you added the BBox Component for the Brep? Or did you change the base geometry?

In any case thank you!

Got it! Now I see what you changed! Clever!

Could you also give me a hint for the 1_200 Facade Model. I want to produce it out of the same Material.

What I get from my defintion are Breps, but when I convert them into a Mesh I get an invalid one. I tried to approximate the Mesh with the CatmullClark Component, to get a clean single thick mesh for the 3D print. But the mesh is still messy.

Any idea?

CatmullClark is a subdivision algorithm, so in this case does not fit.

Of course you can get a rather simpler mesh, because your facade element's facets  entirely composed of less than quad,so "simple mesh" component can help you.

but,  your mesh going to be a bad one because the output of the cluster, brep geometries do not have consistent faces.Try another way.


Thank you! I'll try!

I tried to rebuild the mesh normals of output mesh and create one clean joined mesh by using the wb Weave Component, but the result doesn't look good. Can anyone give me a hint how I can rebuild my mesh to get a clean joined one for a 3 d print? 

My goal is to remove the non-manifold edges and to join the mesh that it approximately looks like this.  Is there any mesh-rebuild script to clean the messy mesh that I get ? I already tried a script "offsetmeshwithoutselfintersection" but this is what I get:

this is my goal: 

here is the script







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