
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone

i try to offset a curve (Voronoi) on a surface but there is a problem…

Here is the surface and the result i want

But here is the problem:                                                                     


Have you an idea?

thank in advance


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Exploding the cell will give you individual curves. They will be offset one by one. How should they know to intersect and trim?

Good question...(it is stupid...)

but when I remove this component, i have always a problem:

Bake Offset:

How solve it?


Hi Thierry,

it may be difficult to offset the curves on surface and/or try to repair stuff after you get the curves interesecting with your surface.

I'd rather recommend to offset the Voronoi and intersect that with the Surface, to obtain a clean result. I'v added a little C# component, that does the offset of the solid as you know it from the rhino command. The result you can see in this picture:

Hope this helps. Best regards,



Hi Florian,

thank you very much for your help.

I am very sorry but can you explain how do you obtain this result?

I must add something to the def?



I obtain this result by using the Offset Solid script (down right). The solid offset leads to the thickened voronoi intersection lines on the surfaces (2nd BBX).

If you compare your script and the one i've modified you'll see, that i've removed the offset on surface component and added the Offset Solid component before the BBX Component.

Enable/Disable the preview of the components one by one to see what each component is'll understand what's going on.

Good luck,


Dear Florian,

i found the problem...

I use  Rhino with French language...

I change in english and it's work  :)



Rest one problem: when i modify the offset, the result is always the same.

Do you know the reason?

Really thank you for you fantastic help. 


Hi Thierry,

I'm sorry for the language problem. didn't think about that. Now it should work for all languages the same + the offset distance works now.




Hi Florian,

my english is really poor and I don't have enough words to tell you my gratitude for your help.

I have disconnect the "item" component and all work perfectly.

Here is the result:

I have add this part (made by D.Rutten) to obtain ovoid curves but it is not the best solution Have you any other proposition? Ideally the ovoid curves must remain on the surface.

I will make a 3d print and post the result soon.




I don't know if this is the result, you wanted to get. But i think David's solution works pretty fine. Just setting the curve period parameter to TRUE and leave the reduce the definition attached.


Hi Florian,

exactly what I wanted.

merci beaucoup ;)



you're welcome...have a nice day



Hello everyone,

I would like to use voronoi on a surface of an 3d object (espacially some kind of bulding) like this one here. But for me it doesn't work. What do I wrong? I have not much experiance with grasshopper.

kind regards






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