
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All,

I have recently created a script for a Pyritohedron, (cube that morphs to rhombic dodecahdron) however the shape is just a series of edge curces and I need to convert these curves into faces (surfaces)

Does anyone know how I would do this?

Thanks very much


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in the mineral world, we see 'skeletal crystals', where just the edge of the crystal grows but not the centers of each face. this can also be called a 'hopper' crystal. gold, galena, flourite, show this. So, how can we tweak this def so that each of the 5 meshes of each face, tilt inward at, say, 15 or 30 degrees, and then have a flat face at the end of this? should the mesh be rotated around the line of surface intersection, or would it be easier to move two of the 4 vertices offset along a normal vector?


one of our colleagues, Jonathan is looking into Bismuth crystals:

Have a look at his work!



hi Andrei,

nice work with the Bismuth. Some years ago I looked at how to model galena (PbS) skeletal growth when in the presence of Silver (Ag), so your crystal lattice becomes PbS and AgS; and was able to get some theoretical correlation between the difference in atomic weights and distortions in the crystal lattice, as observed in naturally formed galena specimens.

Back to the pyritohedron. An issue I have with meshes is that, in my case, the end product is usually CNC'd, so I need a solid to work with. Taking the script one step further, extracting end points of the mesh, moving along a vector, and then creating a surface, now we can tweak the shape to me more interesting. 

Still puzzling over how to make a plane out of the centermost pentagon.

oh. feed the vertices into 'patch' surface.

and, voila.



Thank you for the update,.

I always use meshes because of the great speed advantage.  I do not know much about CNC - how does it constrain you to using breps?


Works well with exoskeleton but perhaps not what you are after.


Hey Guys,

Thanks so much, I've sorted it using Andrei's scaling technique. Thanks Martyn - the exoskeleton does look really good but I'm hoping to fabricate it using flat materials so needed to create surfaces. The patch also worked Mark

Thanks again for all your help







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