
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there, I am trying to make a loft out of a meatball, I have tried lofting the separate curves all together but it seems to get confused and doesn't work, does anybody know an easier way to smoothly loft the whole meatball together?

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Hi! Eugenia.

Typically, metaball generated curves are not good sources for loft surface.

So, in order to avoid typical twisted outcome, you should unify each curve direction and  adjust curve seams first.

and you'd better use loft option for decent outcome.

Plus, you can get a nice result using Mesh loft component and adding weaverbird subdivision component, can get even better mesh.

Hope This Helps.

Thanks Kim! I think I  am getting there I just cant seem to find the component you have grouped as ¨closed mesh¨ is that a plug in or a loft option?

Mesh loft is a plug-in component.

You can find it in here

Hi Hyunqsoo, I can't locate it from that link - can you upload the file?

It must be in Mesh tools.gha !

the Milkbox group.

Thank you Hyunqsoo - I've duplicated the script (I believe) but was hoping you could tell me what the expressions are in the 'End Tip point for Closed Mesh' in the list item and move components?



Here we have revised def.


Thank you Hyunqsoo - this si great. If you could send me the expressions from the first def I'd appreciate it - would really help me figure what's happening... 

List item --> "x-1"
Move      --> "-x"

Hi Hyungsoo,

In your script, the seam function works well to loft it because basically the metaball is a series of curves one after the other, but if you try for example to create metaballs from a cloud of points on a single plane, then at many parameters there is not just "one" linear series of curves, but some of them don't intersect, so you have separate curves here and there at the ends of some of the metaballs, that don't 'join up' to the main curve.

This kinda makes lofting impossible... (it can be seen from the seam point that there are a few points separate from the main point line).

Is there any way to solve this?







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