
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I've been reading alot about minimal surfaces in the last week or so and find them incredibly interesting. I'm thinking about incorporating them into my assignment for an advanced computing class, but am still quite unsure as to what programs and plugins are out which can generate and produce complex minimal surfaces.

I did read some other discussions on minimal surfaces on the forums, so hopefully this thread could get a good talk going on minimal surfaces and their application in architecture or architectural theory.

Check out this installation done at the Sydney Customs House in Australia.

The instalation actually quite closely mirrors something that i have in mind for my project, so any thoughts letting me know if this is at all possible to replicate would be appreciated. :)


and quick image

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well, DONE!

ok here is my approch... guess it might be a bit cheating:

construct min surf by 3 circles big-small-big and loft it... scale this and rotate.. trim it...
the nurbs to mesh; weld with 180 and use mininmal surface script on mesh done.

then add subdiv via RhinoWEaver PLugin... and I used (thanks to Jon Mirtschin) Geometry GYm plugin with min. surface script on mesh
is there any chance that you can upload the files please?
well, wont make sense or? if you have the plugins installed and follow the instructions its quite easy...
if you have any question please mail me

i am interested in it,but it seems hard to learn....

great work and thanks lot for detailed explaination

Hi Jon! These posts are very useful for me and in my opinion you did a very hard work! But in this case i'm gonna asking you if you can help me or just indicating where can I find some proper tutorials to follow step by step in grasshopper plugin to do the connection between these circles (trying making a model like this for a competition). Basically I'd like to connect different splines between them with this system and i never ever tried to do it....I mean the connection between the buttons in the canvas. Hoping you've few minutes to spend for me!

Thank you very much indeed!


Hello, could someone help me with the workflow for getting to such a geometry ? 






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