algorithmic modeling for Rhino
I am relatively new to Grasshopper and I am having problems when I want to apply "Erwin Hauers Box Morph" to a trimmed surface with curved borders. How can I get the grasshopper form to have the same borders as the trimmed surface? Is there any other way to do this?
To explain myself a little bit better, I attach two pictures: one with the surface on red, and one with the applied grasshopper (Erwin Hauers).
I also attach 3dm and gh files.
Thank you very much!
The first question is not "can GH do it," but what result do you want?
Given the shape you are showing, it only has two edges. Would the grid of the pattern squish to a single point at each side and spread out in the middle? Would the pattern be cut-off along the edges? Those are two possibilities, each with implications.
For example, the first option: You could extract the two edges, loft a new surface, and map the pattern to it.
The second option, you could leave the pattern mapped as you have it--overhanging the surface, extract the edges, extrude a closed volume, and trim the pattern, keeping only what is inside the volume.
Thanks Damon for your reply.
The first option is not valid for me because I want the pattern to keeps its straightness, and not squish to a single point and spread in the middle. I know how to achieve this.
The second option is the one I would like as a result. The thing is that I have tried extruding a closed volume and trimming the pattern, but it doesn't work properly... I have also tried splitting and the only result I get is a weird line that has nothing to do with erwin hauers mesh. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong.. could you take a look at the file? maybe this mesh is so complicated that the program doesn't work properly with it..
Thanks again!
I downloaded your definition and had a similar experience at first, but then found a workable solution. Here it is.
this is perfect! thank you very much! I would love to understand the process that you followed to achieve it.....I think I'll need to go through a lot of tutorials to manage that level of understanding....or sign up on a GH course..
Only one more doubt that I didn't quite understand: what does the slider connected with the Y unit and with the evaluation button do?
thanks again, Damon
You're very welcome. First, to answer you question: the slider is the distance for the extrusion. I extrude 5 (meters in your file) and then move it -2.5 so that it encompasses the whole mesh. The exact number is unimportant, just as long as its big enough.
As for my process, I started with the option 2 that I suggested and you chose, to trim the pattern. I built the extruded volume first. Since you are using meshes, I explicitly converted it to mesh. Then I took the result of your morph (before subdividing, since that would make it heavier). I brought these together using the Split Mesh, but that wasn't my first try. I looked at all the mesh Boolean-like commands in the Intersect tab. I just tried each one. Once I got one that works, I finished it up with the thickening and subdivide components you already had.
The rest of what I did to your definition was just "style." I organized it by groups, added a few panel components, and strategically hid some wires.
Just keep building definitions and you'll keep getting better. Tutorials are good, but having a project and therefore goals, is the best teacher in my humble opinion.
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