
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Construction of additional planes and lines relative

Dear Colleagues,

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One simplistic way would be to create a sphere at each mesh vertex and intersect with the lines coming from that vertex.

I think that is what you are asking. It results in a perpendicular plane at the specified distance. I didn't try to add the extra lines you wanted, but this may get you a step closer.

Just realized you don't need the sphere:

Hello, dear Damon!

Thank you very much for your reply! Yes you are right, you are one step closer to my true test solution.

Can be a little clarification question. I made a certain distance of the plane into the grid lines.

Is it possible to set up as a line perpendicular from the plane but lying at a certain distance to the length of a circular tube of mesh node?

spacing must be equal to the length of the pipes, the lines must be perpendicular to the plane lying on the grid lines.

I'm sure it is possible, but I'm afraid I don't understand what you want, yet. (I'm sure part of it is language, but don't worry about that, we'll figure it out.)

From the sketch, it looks like you want

1. Three lines starting at the cylinder.

2. The lines are perpendicular to the plane.

3. The lines are spaced equally along the vertical height of the cylinder.

4. The lines are as long as the cylinder is tall.

Are those statements correct? Here's my attempt at doing what I just outlined. I'm not sure it's quite what you want, though.


Hello, dear Damon!

Thank you very much for your reply! 

Yes, you understood everything correctly, only one caveat.
Is it possible to somehow regulate the distance between the lines, but that would summmarno distance between them is equal to the height of the trumpet?

I'm not sure I understand. Currently, it IS an equal division of the height of the cylinder (trumpet) if you look at the "Divide" component. If you wanted a different division of the height, you could replace the Divide component with a different component or set of components. What you've sketched is exactly what I'm showing. If you sketch something else, we can probably figure it out.

Hello, dear Damon!

Thank you very much for your reply! 

to be able to beat any height, say at the height of the 4 pipes such as 30 + 45 + 45 + 30 = 150?

Here's one way using the Evaluate Curve Length component.

If you use it with the Boolean set to False, it is based on the curve's unit. If you use it with the Boolean set to True, you can use normalized parameters, which would make it work for various heights.






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