
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

The 'Pull to Point' command is restricted to only pulling the points to the closest point on the geometry (surface) opposed to pulling the points vertically. When changing the Boolean to False, the points were unaffected. Is there a way around this? Is 'Project Curve to Surface' the only other option? Can points be projected to a surface? It appears that only curves can. We are trying to project an array of vertices onto 3 different surfaces and are having a hard time controlling the pull to point command.


Views: 3961

Replies to This Discussion

Try this VB script that allows a project to Brep by vector. If no vector input, the default is a z direction.

geniusss!!!!tnx a lot!you saved me:)
Hi Adele,

Just be warned that this script was written along time ago and GH has moved on to include many more components and tools. This script will run in the newer version of GH for the time being but it is in a Legacy component which means it is solely dependent on th inclusion of the old SDK which is being replaced by RhinoCommon.

Have a look at this from a few days ago which addresses the same problem but handled with GH components.
Hi Danny,
it seems i am blind..i properly read your post today.
I keep learning from the Primer and its upgrade(w.m. this forum) at the same time.. pretty hard task for me!

at this time I was wondering how could I write a loop where the lenghts of the projections must be checked by a boundary condition.

Even if I am a new incomer even in VB.NET,I intuit you gave me a big help to find out which classes and functions I will have to take into account....

let´s update...meanwhile i read /practise further...:)!
Many, Many thanks, Dirk. This is exactly what we needed.

very nice!






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