
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Please help me have a look at how to solve this problem.It's about Honeybee.

Please help me have a look at how to solve this problem.It's about Honeybee.It's ok when I run it on the first time.But now it can't work.The following is the content of the tip.

0. Loading RAD default materials...6 RAD materials are loaded
2. Downloading OpenStudioMasterTemplate.idf to c:\ladybug\
3. Loading EP construction library
4. 206 material found in c:\ladybug\OpenStudioMasterTemplate.idf
5. 30 windowmaterial found in c:\ladybug\OpenStudioMasterTemplate.idf
6. 284 construction found in c:\ladybug\OpenStudioMasterTemplate.idf
Loading EP schedules...
8. The ScheduleTypeLimits: Fraction is already existed in the libaray.
You need to rename this ScheduleTypeLimits.
9. The ScheduleTypeLimits: Temperature 7 is already existed in the libaray.
You need to rename this ScheduleTypeLimits.
10. 21 scheduletypelimits found in c:\ladybug\OpenStudioMasterTemplate.idf
11. 1370 schedule found in c:\ladybug\OpenStudioMasterTemplate.idf
14. Hooohooho...Flying!!

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Hi Bill,

I'm afraid the info you are sending is not enough to help. Probably you should send the file you are working on and explain what is not working.


Thank you.The problem is that it shows the Honeybee did not fly when I open the file.I change the  file path today and it works now.It's too weird.


I suggest 2 things:

1. Update the components with the updater component.

2. Disable and enable again the LB_LB and HB_HB components. That should do the trick and make both of the Fly.


Also, another tip that I recently learned:

You can send any component to the back of the grasshopper canvass by selecting them in hitting Cntrl + B on the keyboard.  If you do this for your Honeybee_Honeybee and Ladybug_Ladybug components, this will ensure that they load first next time that you open your grasshopper file.  This then ensures that all of your other components work in the file instead of telling you that you should let ladybug and honeybee fly.

Also, if you do get the messages above, you can always right-click on the empty grasshopper canvass and hit "Recompute" to have the whole set of components on your canvass recompute.

I hope that this helps.







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