
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I am trying to compound a move and rotate transform for a set of geometry so that each member of the set is assigned a compound move and rotate , however I keep compounding all the transforms together rather than getting a move and a rotate per input. It works for a single transform, just not for the group.

I believe this is a simple path management issue but I have not been able to crack it. 

I want 824 Compound transformatio(2) instead of the 1 compound transformation(1648) above.

The end goal is simply to place a randomly rotated block at each insertion point, but since blocks place at 0,0,0 I have to both move and rotate them, hence the need for a compound transform.

If there is another approach however that would be welcome as well. I tried using this:, but but I have not been able to get it to work with blocks.

Thanks for your help

Views: 3279

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Hi Peter,

If you group your geometry and apply (1st) rotate (so that you don't have to specify a plane) and (2nd) move, I believe you will get the result you want.


If this still doesn't work you can create the compound transformation you need like this:

good luck,


Thanks! Weave + graft did the trick. Grouping didnt give me the full transform data which I need for the place block component, but works otherwise.






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