algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Just a clarification, patch could help but what is it you really wanna achieve, solution depends on that.
Thank you for fast replay. It looks like something worth testing.
You can also try kangaroo, if you don't mind working with meshes.
to see a definition for similar problem but with surface as output
I was playing with patch.
It is working ok so far although surface outline is not exactly passing the initial curve
Is there a method to achieve similar results not with one closed curve but with a hole in the surface? like example on the right.
solid difference enables desired results but ... it is not nice.
please internalize the curves or upload the rhino file too
Sorry, i am attachning the file with internalize curves.
By not nice you mean that the surfaces created from patch do not have as boundary the initial curves right? since they are not planar patch does the best to keep it close. try giving a greater value in spans and it gets closer
i believe what you did is the best you can do, since lofting the two curves results in a very different surface.
if that is not enough for your case then i think you should define you first surface, not by just only one curve, and then the cutting curve.
"patch do not have as boundary the initial curves" This is true but for me at this point it is acceptable, because it is just a early concept sketch.
Using boolean operations is not "nice" in the sens that adding extrusion nad solid diference makes definintion hard to work with- i have experance it many times. so i try to avoid boolean. but now i dont have any idea how to do it without it. I am looking at your proposition with meshes but solving it without kangaroo would be better form me.
thank you for your help
Ok then
since it is a speed issue and you would like to avoid the booleans you can try the following
first you can avoid the second patch component, which is heavy too, and project the curve to xy plane since you already are extruding in z direction.
then instead of difference component you can use trim solid component which in my PC from 8 seconds of the difference component goes down to 400ms.
defenetly more elegant than my slution:)
Thank you for your imput.
Hey Alex,
Cud you tell why my definition is not working, I was working on the similar lines with a slight diff approach. The connection fail if I connect the lines formed by flip matrix but i need a full grid. Any suggestion.
Hello Aakriti
you are using shift list component in a data tree that each branch has one value. so shift list does nothing and in result you get zero length lines
flattening the flip matrix component fixes this. but then i believe some constraints are missing. let me look into this a little more
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