
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have three riddles that are related around the same thing. 

The most rational/important one first: Is it possible to find an intersection point from three surfaces or objects? then create an orthogonal vector.(see pic 1)

Second: Holding an abstract mesh or surface with a 3D grid structure. Basically creating 90 degree vectors on an uneven surface coming out of the object, sort of like a cactus with a grid pattern. (see Pic 2)

Third: I think #1 answers this issue: when the lines hitting the rough surface go in two different grid directions, their intersecting points are too close together. Structurally these points can be united and the vectors would be reduced. Manually deleting these lines after being baked is currently the only option. It would be so cool if there was a mathematical arrangement that would connect points that are within a certain distance to one another. (see pic 3)

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Does your meteoroid need to be suspended within a 3D rectilinear grid?  Otherwise you could tie it off within a spherical boundary which would ensure non-intersecting lines...

Thanks for showing me Kangaroo, it’s a great addition to grasshopper. My issue with the Meteorite is that the Upper support structure is very rigid and the connections need to come directly down from the grid.  Ultimately the Meteorite will roughly be composed of square panels held up at their corners. The side wall has more flexibility as soon as it curves beyond a certain point. I can place the connecting horizontal beams in any location on the wall. The even spreading is a great piece of knowledge though, thanks again.

For #1, here's a way, but it may be too specific to the configuration of surfaces you are showing.

What I don't understand is what you want to do with this. It creates two points, not one, and then you want an orthogonal vector? Are you talking about the lines you're calling out as "I beam"? 

Maybe looking at #2 could give you a solution... Instead of creating lines FROM THE BLOB out to the grid, create lines FROM THE GRID into the blob. See the definition attached.

As for #3, I haven't thought through that one, yet.


Wow, your grasshopper model is beautifully done. Thank you so much. Do you think if the meteorite is closer to a cylindrical shape, we could create a grid based on the center radiating out. Or if it was a giant snake could we create a grid radiating out of a spline?

For #3, can't you just use the "cull duplicates" under Vector-Point?

If needed you can use this just to check if those points are within tolerance and then use the Index output to cull your vectorlist etc.






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