
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Anyone have any idea how to recreate the texture on the head of this virus?



I am having a really hard time making the surface of the Icosahedron have the hexagonal pattern on it, but more importantly  little holes on its heads surface help please!!!

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David Rutten


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you

How can I adapt this to a 3d Icosahedron surface?

Not very fast, and it doesn't wrap tightly around edges, but it's pretty close I think.


David Rutten


Thank you!!! this is great!!!!!! Any idea why the pattern doesnt adapt well to the Icosahedron? It does only a couple of faces. I tried copying and pasting them into an icosahedron, but am wondering what I am doing wrong

If you are plugging an icosahedron into the first Brep component, also plug it into the "B" input of the Voronoi 3D component. That input defaults to "Box" and therefore maps to a box. You want it to map to your icosahedron.

The B input is always a Box. If you don't connect anything to it, it will use the bounding box of the points connected to P. It's possible that bounding box of the points is smaller than the one of the icosahedron.

Connecting the icosahedron geometry to the B input will make a couple of automatic conversions, retrieving the bounding box of that shape and converting it to a Box.

Fair enough. All I was really getting at is that when using something other than a box, you have to update this input, too.






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