
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everybody, 

maybe my question is very simple but I hope you can help me.

First I have a lot of 2D random points, connect them by using delaunay (edge). So I get triangles. 

Now, there is my problem. I try to get the center points from each of these triangles. Then I would like to connect the corner points with the center points to subdivide my triangles. 

I hope you can help me. 



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Thank you all a lot.

I've got it, but only with Weaverbirds Lines to Mesh.

But from my point of view it has to be possible to tell grasshopper: This is point one, this point two and this point thre, so collect them with a polyline and do that for all the other lines as well. Afther that you can use the polygon center component to get the center point, don't you?

But I don't know how to do it like that.

P.s.: What does the component "Cull Index" do?

Thank you very much. You're great.

the explode component returns 4 points for each triangle (1st point is repeated after 3rd).

cull index, in our case, removes item #3 (4th item that is) from every list, leaving 3 points, as desired.

Can I reach the same effect with "remove dublicate points" from kangaroo?

yes, it seems more or less the same (also with "cull duplicates" from the vector menu) , exept maybe for the order of points left (not so important at this point but could create problems on a later stage). 

Thank you all very much. 

I will post my whole definition later on. 

Maybe you ciriticize or have some feedback to my idea. 



when wanting for example triangles as an output i try to build a definition that will help me have triangles as outputso check green group. i create the triangles at earlier stage when data is still ordered. then i can feed the triangles to kangaroo component and have them as output and finally use the polygon center as you suggest. this is possible since all the rest length and anchor point given to kangaroo are part of these triangles in the green group.

check file too.

hope that makes clear what i was suggesting in earlier post.





Thank you. 






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