
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Well friends,

A fellow user asked my help with some very simple membrane definition. Given the fact that I design a rather complex membrane combo these days ... I "slightly" modified the case (see the WIP Anemone loop that builds gradually variable membrane modules) as a generic guideline related with the hot spot N1: how to feed Kangaroo with a proper "minimum" mesh.

By "minimum" I mean a mesh that "approximates" what are you doing PRIOR the kangaroo engagement. I'll post in some days the real case (a very complex one I confess) in order to understand why this is urgently required.

Add ons used: Starling, Paneling tools, MinSurf (, LunchBox, Weaverbird, Anemone, Kangaroo


1. Use Stored Views.

2. A variety of gates is used in order to exploit all available (I believe) ways in order to deal with a mesh. The fact that the reduce mesh is not exposed in SDK ... well you understand.

3. Kangaroo is deactivated. Prior activation (see equivalent Stored View) choose some mesh "method" that you rate best for feeding Kangaroo. Of course real-time design is out of the question (see FormFinder).

4. LunchBox can't operate with trimmed nurbs .... thus the "equal" tri/quad mesh dream is a wishful thinking.

5. MinSurf (dealing with nurbs instead of meshes) can't work in a 1:1 basis (we have one membrane "base" and 2 rings or more).

6.For comparison the Rhino file has 2 outputs (depending on the fabric stress conditions) from FormFinder. Notice the way that FF builds up the mesh (MUCH simpler and this is the reason that FF is real-time).

7. Anemone loop is not complete yet (not all data tress required for creating a series of membrane variations are linked). Anemone is temperamental as well (lot's of crashes).

8. Plan Z is WIP.

All in all : a far better way is urgently required in order to feed Kangaroo with some reasonably minimum mesh (like a mini Evolute Tools pro preparing the mesh)..

best, Peter

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BTW: Plan Z deals the issue via a UV mesh that either extends the trim boundaries and then is "trimmed":

or respects the boundaries:

but some code is required in order to deal with the obvious "wrong" point order situation (a good case for Anemone I guess):

PS: Since MeshLab is open source AND it's a real-time thing (fastest mesh related app by a million miles - absolutely nothing out there comes close) ... I was thinking ... the obvious (Bentley systems did a similar agreement as regards the Luxo/Nexus render engine,  why not McNeil?).

Hi Peter - Thanks for sharing this. Interesting work.

Have you seen this for remeshing? (and this update)

See also this example of generating a real minimal surface

(also included in the example files)

I wanted to avoid the meshmachine component having an excessive number of inputs, and actually didn't expose all the internal smoothing settings, but could make a version allowing more control.

Hi Daniel

Well this is just a test .. in a couple of days I'll post something related with the real-thing (by assuming that @#@#$$ Anemone works ... not a given, he he) :

In our subject : Yes of course I know these things ... but the point is to mastermind a "real-time" approximation of what you are doing BEFORE inviting Kangaroo to the party.

What means "real-time"? Imagine using MinSurf where you can use it (for instance by omitting one ring, that way this thing works but it's naive since the curve seam ... blah blah). Then you ... well ... see attached and you'll get the gist (about the post MinSurf "trimming policy" used) quite easily. Of course this case shown is 100% suitable for MinSurf since there's only anchors to the truss nodes etc etc ...

Why may you ask to do that? well ... this requires a very long talking (mostly related with the nuts and bolts required for any membrane) and I would strongly suggest to switch the conversation off line. 

That said congrats for the stunning work done so far

best, Peter

BTW: Allow me some minutes(???) to sort this (there's some evil thing going on but where is it?) and I'll mail you this WIP case for comparison tests : Minsurf VS Kangaroo as regards the "real-time" thing. Of course having always in mind that we talk about an "approximation" of the reality (no fabric,cables load bearing data etc etc).

That said (spam on) when I proposed 3 years ago the multi canvas capability (overlapping canvas obviously otherwise why bother doing it?) no one said a good word. Now some fellow users proposed (in pain points thread) exactly that and there's some words of sympathy...meaning that my Karma is rather negative (spam off).

Moral: Karma, what else?






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