
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

Firstly thank you to Mostapha for your App/Works. I'm trying to learn LHHB and it's use by GH, i'm a beginner user so maybe it was my fault, when i run file i've this issue:

it's seems because of EmbryoViz issue (but i can't understand). Perhaps it will be my "goofy error", however i hope someone will help me. Thank you.

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Thank you Abraham for your effort and your advice (about good behaviour to improve my workflow). I did a lot of attempts:

1) update my GH to last version; (after tried to run your GH_A version file)

2) updated LHHB files by tour "update component" (because i've noticed from this link there's old version yet)

3)I replaced every component with the new ones (HB 0.53).

The result is the same, HDR>GIF componet displays:

1. Failed to genearate the .gif file. Open the bat file with a text editor and change the last line from exit to pause. Then run it again and see what is the error.
here is the file address: c:/ladybug//JackTest053/imageBasedSimulation//HDR2GIF.BAT

Maybe it's me, but i've noticed the HDR>HDR path it isn't the right path, then when i connect HDR>HDR output to EmbryoViz it doesn't crash (or display the bleeding window) but display this error baloon:

1. Path must be a valid location

at this point i suppose (it's only a beginner user opinion) it could be the wrong output path the real problem?

... so weird. It works for me fine. See attached. I tested 3 options: "My" way, "Your" way and inputting the file path by a panel. All of them are ok, even that for the first two the path show the slash in the opposite direction.

The question now is if the images really are in the output directory. Can you see them? Just want to be sure this is not only a display problem.

Also, sorry for the question, but, are you sending the perspective view for calculation? Or is it the plan, side view?



EmbryoViz seems to be ok (i only put the path of your GIF image):

i see the HDR file and i send perspective view for calculation. I'll send you a PM with a little movieclip. 

Jack, I saw the video. I have 2 comments (not very helpful right now): 1. As Mostapha said, their is a problem converting the HDR to gif (or tif, as you said previously you tried). Changing the expo

Hi, as previous post here my two example files. The conversion from HDR to GIF or TIF fails.


Hi Jack,

I'm still interested in seeing the directory contents where the results are located. In this case C:\ladybug\JackTest053\imageBasedSimulation. If you can compress and upload will be great.Try also opening a command prompt as administrator and write "where ra_gif" (without quotes). Just want  to be sure the commands are there and are recognized in your path. Can be that the script for converting format is not there?


Hi Abraham, here my zipped dir.

I wrote "where ra_gif" in C:\ and C:\ladybug\ directory but nothing. 



One more thing to test. if you go to C:\ladybug\JackTest053\imageBasedSimulation and run (double click) SETEXPOSURE.BAT and then HDR2GIF.BAT you get the gif image? If you don't, i think you have a faulty Radiance installation. Both files, ra_gif and ra_tiff, should be included in the installation. Please also check the directory c:\Radiance\bin and look for those two files.

BTW, the command where ra_tiff is location independent. So it doesn't matter where you run it. As long as the exe file is in your path (should be transparent for any user, since Radiance installation takes care of that).

I believe the "solution" is nearby.


ra_gif.exe and ra_tiff.exe should be both at c:\radiance\bin

Can you confirm that you have the files installed on your system?


it's ok radiance\bin\ directory (all ra_gid, ra_tif etc. are included), my radiance version is:

there's another version (or it's correct?) ?

P.s.: C:\ladybug\JackTest053\imageBasedSimulation and run (double click) SETEXPOSURE.BAT and then HDR2GIF.BAT you get the gif image? No, sorry nothing. cmd.exe window freezed after run HDR2GIF.BAT (but SETEXPOSURE.BAT generated a file)

Hmmm ...

Running out of ideas. I would suggest to reinstall Radiance, but maybe Mostapha has a more proper solution?

Can you see the file produced by the Setexposure.bat? Should be under the name JackTest_RAD_Perspective@exp_0.500.HDR. It is suspicious it was not produced automatically.


I re-installed Radiance from previous link and i noticed:

1) the second HDR image (that from SETEXPOSURE) didn't generate automatically from GH component (into my gh file).

2) when i run SETEXPOSURE.BAT manually the new image (HDR) is produced without problems.






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