
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How to make computer recognize .gh files (aka bring back .gh icons)?

  Hello guys. Being a practical person tried to make rhino load .gh files on double click by switching "open with" to rhino. Well, this didn't work out((.  Now I'm stuck with system that doesn't recognize grasshopper extention files (except for .ghx, haven't tweaked it). Do anyone know how to bring things back to normal (better without reinstalling GH)? I miss good old .gh icon.

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Run the GrasshopperRegisterExtensions command. It may take a restart of Windows Explorer before the new icons take effect though.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

 Sorry, but I can't see such command in a command line, and even when I type it nothing happens

GH version 0.9.0014

Rhino version 5.0  (5.1.20927.2230, 09/27/2012)

It doesn't autocomplete, it's a hidden command. It should register the icons, when you restart Windows Explorer. Either Restart all of windows of kill explorer through task manager and then start the process "explorer.exe"


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

 Doesn't work.

Peculiar. I wonder if setting the icon through Windows Explorer sets the association with a 'higher level' or something.

Can you open up RegEdit.exe and have a look at the following two keys:


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Grasshopper Document\DefaultIcon

I'd like to see the values assigned to these keys. They should look like this once the GrasshopperRegisterExtensions command has been run:


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Yeah never mind, the Open With... menu in windows seems to override the icon. What you'll need to do is delete the following key:


It contains subkeys which identify which apps are selected to open *.gh files and explorer gets it's icon from here. I'll adapt the GrasshopperRegisterFileExtensions command to delete these keys automatically.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

 hehehe, yeah, everything was the same

Going to do it now.

Aaaaaand voila, thank you soooo much))). Ahhh, good old .gh icons, thought would never see them again))

Hi David, 

At some point I accidentally set .gha files to open using notepad:

Not that it is a big problem, but if you're already fiddling with the GrasshopperRegisterFileExtensions command think you might be able to add this key fix as well?



It's the same fix. I basically disassociate the grasshopper file formats with all other programs.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Brilliant, following your advice above did the trick. Thanks David..

Hi David ,

I have the same problem, the system doesn't recognize .gh grasshopper extention files. Files  now are  associated with explorer.

I try to fix the problem but i don't found

GrasshopperRegisterExtensions command.

How can i fix?

thanks in advance






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