
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

This one is from one of my students, and though we resolved it in another manner, it might be something to think about...not critical, but something I've come across in the past...

is there a possibility have the option to make an instance of a component and not a copy (or is it the other way around?). Meaning, there might be a situation when I am happy with a scripted component, and I go on to use it a few times in the definition, for whatever reason...making copies of it.

Then, I need to go in and change the script component...and I have to go in and change all of them. Its a small nuisance, thus, not a high on any list of requests. But for example, in the function components, we can write the function in a panel...any way to do that for a script component?

more a curiosity than a necessity.

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It's been mentioned that clusters are going to be rewritten to behave as instances. I guess this problem will be solved by clustering a component.

On the other hand i think the "Additional methods and Type declarations" part could be global for all the definition and independent of scripting components, this way you could create functions once and call them from different components.
Hi luis,

not yet. Scripts and Clusters are on the list to become instantiable (and more easily shareable), but at present there's no support for any of this inside Grasshopper.






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