
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hopefully this is not such a time consuming ghoffee question, but it also acts as a precursor to another one down the line.

Solutions to be classed by either:

  • Native components only (no scripts or Expressions, trivial I/O <expressions> allowed)
  • Use of Plug-ins
  • Code - either VB.NET, C# or Python

Winner announced this time tomorrow (0830 GMT)

I have to bail now. Tomorrow is Saturday so I won't be able to upload the file then, so if you promise not to cheat and still want to have a go, don't look...

P R E L I M I N A R Y    W I N N E R S


Native: Ángel

Plug-ins: Technically as python is a plug-in still, the winner is Anders as there were no other runners (Yet)

Scripting: Anders gets a Special mention for bringing my attention to bin(x) in python but the award goes to David




[Image will be posted Monday]

File below

Views: 1655


Replies to This Discussion

Here's a teaser:

Also bonus question:

What is the significance of 8128 and two other numbers, both within 100 of 8128.

Among other things, Wikipedia says it's a happy number.

Wooo! That's compress!

One more.



And another. More grasshoppery.



Last two. Lunch over.

No scripting.



Loving the last one with the Path Mapper :D

Today is a bank holiday in uk so im not in the office to open any gh files or post the image of my solution but the file is above for anyone to look at. I will also write up the theory for the 10 type of people to understand the method.

Thanks for all those that took part.

Angel now needs to think of a question for the next installment of ghoffee.

I will! but notice that I feel that Ola is the real winner in the GH solution here :) The path mapper idea is awesome :)

I think that that definition should make David to think about coding another two inputs for the Path Mapper component :P

Can you post an image

Edit i should also add you need to be in it to win it. :) today is may 5, 2014

Sure! Here you have.

Mmm...yeah...but not thinking about the date, you have to recognize that Ola idea is veeery nice :D






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