
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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Attached file shows 3 different examples of how you can visualize the results from Honeybee/Ladybug mesh in 3D. The file is not as clean as it should be but I think the logic is easy enough to follow.

Here is the screen captures:

Option I

Option II

Option III

Views: 2044


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Hi Abraham,

ok cool, attached file is the GH file...thx for your help!!!


I have to say that neither of us is right.

First of all the calculations are ok. The results of course change depending on the location of the test points (see attached). I'm showing there the defaults mesh results. You can see clearly that the results make sense.

The weird think happens on the visualization part (option 2 in your file). I guess the remapping or the range, or ... something else there is reassigning the original (good) results to the new mesh. Check this and if you find why this is happening do tell.



thx Abraham!

Unfortunately i was not able to fix it...i tried to make a new definition with interpolation but it is getting complicating here..

thx once again, i will keep trying 


Hallo Abraham,

can you please check for me why the isolines are not working with me :( ...i am not able to fix it 

thanks for your understanding and your support!


Hi nass, I replied to this question under the other discussion:

I have one question about Meshes:

I have a building with multiple testSurfaces and generate testPoints and Meshes from them.

What I want to have in the end is a Color Mesh with analysisResults that I put in manually. Everything works so far - the problem I have is:

as far as I understood - the _inputMesh in the Ladybug Re-Color Mesh works like this -- it is aways matched to the number of faces in the inputMesh

So to get to the point - I have multiple surfaces with for example 2 Mesh faces, so when I input 2 Results it shows on both surfaces and so on. So what I would need is to make the multiple mashes to one. Do you know if and how this is possible?

I hope I could make it a bit understandable - if not - I could always upload the grasshopper file

Just as a note - the reason Im doing this is that I want to a real world analysis (Daylight Factor) and then visualize and compare it to a visualization made in Honeybee.

Thank you very much for now

cheers Tom

PS: also the thing is - they are not next to each other

Hi Thomas, I'm not sure if I clearly understand your question, but in case you want to input all the numbers at the same time, flatten and join the mesh so you will have a single mesh which has same number of faces as your results.

Thank you so much!!!

That simple thing did the trick =)

Hi Mostapha,
that's really awesome. I did samething like your option2 on my own but you have introduced the illuminance profile. Cool!


hallo Mostapha

hallo community,

this gh file works awesome, thx mostapha, but is there a way to keep the scale always the same. I am a testing a simple room with different windows openings. When i change the windows dimensions, the 3d result is always showing the same shape. How can i assign every single color to a specific result ( for instance df 1% is blue, 2% is yellow...etc)  so the scale of the 3d is changes accordingly?

thx for any help!



You can customize the scale range etc with the Legend Parameter component under Ladybug>Extra-

alright cool, i managed it!







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