
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, David

I want to offer a few wishes.
1. State manager on remote Control panel(I think its good idea).
2. More tools for annotations (arrow, circle, ellipse, rectangle).
3. Change the position and the grouping of the sliders on the remote control panel.
4. Separate viewport(look at picture)
5. Cluster editor new wish

My version grasshopper 0.8.0004
Best Regards,Valentin
Kiev, Ukraine

Views: 1714


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Hi V,

3 is almost done, the others are all good ideas, but it will take me a while to get around to it.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Hi, David
I appreciate your work. I'll be adding new wishes. Please periodically draw attention to this page.
Best Regards,Valentin
Kiev, Ukraine
Remote control is coming soon? I would like to be able to show the sliders that I want only, let us say something like turn them on and off.
Sample: I want only 4 sliders on my control remote and be able to organize them...

I know, I am asking to much...
Yes, the new Remote Control panel is coming soon. It should be fully customizable. You can create groups with different colours that contain specific object proxies. I also want to add more proxies (not just slides and toggles), and maybe even multiple remote layouts per document.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Just in case this is not challenging enough... Another helpful State to control would be to control the preview states.
If we're throwing suggestions in the pot. (They may already be there)

Boolean toggles and specific Text Panels, would be good.
And also the ability to double click on a slider and edit it in situ.
I want to play!

Right click on 'focus on selected preview geometry' focus on all viewports.
Hi Danny,

you mean Text Panel content should be part of states? That's easy enough.

What do you mean by "edit in situ"?

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
EDIT: **both remarks were concerning the Remote Control Panel.**

I'm not sure what states is. I was referring to the ability to have a flag in the context menu of a panel so that when active it would appear in the remote control panel as an editable field without the need to return to the canvas to change a value.

Edit in situ: When you double click a slider on the canvas you can get the popup to edit values etc. This accessed from the remote panel would be a good feature. Also while we're on the subject can you add a name filed to the pop up so that it has the same features as the context edit?
Ah ok, I get it. All this stuff should be available eventually. Just keep hammering when it doesn't make it into any particular release.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Yes, thanks a lot!
Separate viewports!! that's great. I vote for that.






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