
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

i tried to loft circle to a rectangle in different shapes but it didn't work. many tnx on behalf of me to the guy who wants to help me ;) i wanna do smt like a picture but with circle.

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Here is a simple way to set it up.  The real problem in the end is making sure that the tree structure of the circles and the rectangles match in the end.  The Param Viewer helps to see this, and the Path Mapper can solve most problems by restructuring your data.

This is just a flat surface with random offsets. Hope it helps.


Thank you sooo much it is exactly that I want :) ;)

dear Jake 

I tried to use this example for curve surface not planer one but because of z direction they are not perpandicular do you know how i can change it?

Best Sara

Hi Sara,

I am not really a user of Weaver Bird, but I added a little option that will smooth the lofts.  Also, in purple you can see how to use the center points to get normal vectors from the surface for each circle.  

Hope this helps :)


Also, I added in an example of how to add more circles to make the mushroom like pattern from before.  


I dont know how i can Thank you. Thank you, you really helped me ;)

Hello again at first i should say thank you again for your help, and then i have a request could you check my file and tell my problem, please i wanna do something like the picture that i sent. it s the same as your example but i don't wanna use rectangular base 




I will look at your file later to see if there is a simple solution.  The problem, I am assuming, comes from the way that the surface is being divided.  It is constrained to a rectangle because of the UV coordinates. If you have another strategy for making points to locate your features on the surface, it would probably solve your problem.  I hope this helps, I will take a look later.

Kind Regards,


Here is an example of how you can place points on the surface that are not bound to its UV structure.  This allows for the surface to be shapes other than rectangles without having to rebuild the surface.  You could also use planes to contour the surface then divide those curves if you would like something less random. Again, I hope this helps.  Let me know if you have any issues. 

Kind Regards,



many tnx for your help :)

Hello again and so sorry for asking a lot i promise this one is the last one :) :D this example is the exact thing that i want but if i wanna do not randomly what should i do? i mean with a logic or an atractor  the third circle being open. i mean they are close and gradually open and open. and is it possible some of them would be like mushroom and others be like cone shape as first example and some of them go inside of surface and others go outside.

This setup gets a little more intense, but it works. The surface is getting contoured then divided into points for the circles. Then, the radius is based off of a point attractor to show you how that can work.  Hope this helps, it has been fun to work on.

Kind Regards,







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