
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I just installed Grasshopper. I can open it in Rhino, but when I do sth there is nothing show in Rhino. But if I press "bake", the object still can appear in rhino.

how can I make the grasshopper object be showed in Rhino?
there must be some display problem.


Views: 7045

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If you are using GH v0.6.0059 then toggle OpenGL Sprites in the View menu.
it works!!
Hi, I have the same problem when I update to 0.7.0057, everything is there but I can only see it after a bake. Where is the toggle OpendGl Spirets thing?
In 0.7 there are no more OpenGL Sprites. All point drawing is now handled by the Rhino SDK (and it's much slower, but we're working on that).

Can you try and create a single Line parameter and use the "Set One Line" menu option to define a line? Do you see a line preview while picking? Do you see the line preview afterwards?

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
No, neither my old files nor new components I add with the new GH are visible. But in rhino 4 it totally works. Maybe it's some setting under rhino 5? My computer is 32 bit system, and the graphic card never had problem with grasshopper display.

Sorry, but I have so many troubles these days...

I think I had this problem...

Make sure you have the latest Rhino 5 WIP version, which I believe is October 5th, and try GH 0.7.0057 again.
The Rhino5 SDK is changing rapidly, as indeed is Grasshopper at the moment. Whenever the two release cycles get out of synch there's always reports of new bugs that 'fix themselves' come a new update.

I'm rudely going to ignore this for the time being. Sorry for not being much help at all.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia

yeah, this component is fun.


We are currently having some trouble while opening an existing rhino file with a grasshopper script, same problem...the objects are not displayed unless we bake there any update to this issue for Rhino 5 and grasshopper 9.0014 ?

Hi Roberto,

I doubt a two-year old display bug is still around, it's probably some other problem. I assume you did not disable the Grasshopper preview? Is there something printed in the Rhino Command History window that might indicate a problem with the preview display?


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thanks, probably is a bug because the GH preview is enable and there's no report about a problem in the command history. We'll see what we can do and any help is well received. Thank you for your time and we'll expect to have some good news.






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