
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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post by Eblis Zhang

Hi U-to

Could you tell me how can i use GECO to test the shadow of a building which is on a specific landform? Thank you! 

Hi Eblis,

this is an image taken with a landform(as a mesh-resolution defines the accuracy and time to calculate) with the use of one of our example files.

Hi all

I still got a basic question to ask?

How to test the shadow on the specific landform? Is there can tell me how to connect that? Thanks!

sorry to disturbing all of you.
Something like that. I just want to test the cuber on this landform.

Input Mesh to exposure : your terrain

Input additional obstructing geometry: everything else, in your case the cube

Hi uto,

I come across a problem when I try to export mesh to ECOTECT,as you can see from the screenshot.Many thanks for any thoughts.

Hi Michael,

the problem you are facing is, as in the error reported, that your username/profile name is setup with non Latin letters or a space between your name. Please create a common user profile to solve your problem. Sorry for this, as we can not do anything against that.


Thanks for your reply~As you just mentioned it is my user name cause the problem~I relocate my documents to another place ,and later I can export the mesh~~A happy ending~~

hi, I'm trying to conduct daylight analysis for multiple floors... but the analysis shows the results only for the bottom floor... could anyone please let me know how i could tackle this problem...


Hi .Pradeep. I have the same problem as you. Have you sorted them out?

Hi cho,

instead of using the daylight analysis gris you have to build your own analysis mesh within grasshopper. Take a look into our example files within this forum

I am new to grasshopper and Geco, I have been trying to export the analysis data to excel but it comes out as “data with one branches”. I tried using the data trees component to resolve it but was not successful. I would like to have the geco final analysis data exported as rows and columns in excel. How can I resolve this issue? Any ideas? And also is it possible to see the analysis output of ecotect in grasshopper as values instead of RGB values, Is that possible?


All of this is possbile.
01: You have to prepare the data accordingly for your Excel.
02: For the values you can use the Val output of the requestcomponent and use it with the text component of grasshopper.






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