Hello, this is my first post, I'd like to know if anybody knows the way to divide a surface in a way as shown in the picture. I've been trying with isotrim and surface morph, i´ll need to morph a geometry on it later. Thanks in advance! estrellita
I'd like ABC to be values which I can shake in every column and get always the same final measure.
for example, they could be:
combinations of them could be ABC, AAAC, BBB, etc...
So it's not random at all is it? Whether or not this is even possible depends entirely on the values for A, B and C. If you define A to be half of B and a third of C, then it becomes possible to work this out.
Another approach would be to define a set of possible patterns (AAAAA, AAAB, AAC, BBC, CC etc.), then apply those at random while shuffling them internally as well. Which approach do you prefer?
I'd rather the second one, though i don't know how to use them as a surface morph once i have defined the set of possible patterns.
as i was a little bit lost and hurried, i tried another way that i send you.
In this case, i'd like to know how could i make a boolean intersection between the pieces at the same column so that then i can turn them depending on its position (coordenates x and y).
*You need to attach your surface to the Srf component
*The slider controls the number of strips obviously
*On the first panel you put your possible divission ie you can put 0.1;0.2...;0.9;1.0
*Onthe second panel you need to choose combinations that add up to 1.0 (using the number on gray from the first panelsbefore your number)and the VB component will choose randomly from these patterns and subdivide the surface if they don't add up or exceed 1.0 you'll have some gaps.