
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear Grasshopper Scripting Family,

I am a beginner at grasshopper, and this is formally my first time on your site. 

I am trying to script a volute of an ionic column using rhino and grasshopper, and I do not know how to go about it. Please point me in the right direction.

Thank you in advance for the help.

Signed ...

Stressed Baby Scripter

Views: 1132

Replies to This Discussion

What part of it are you looking to automate? The two spirals? The bevels? The entire 3D shape?

Decorations like Ionic column heads are prime examples of manual craftsmanship. Shapes like this are notoriously difficult to achieve through code. The only reason to try and tackle it algorithmically is if you have to make lots of slightly different columns. Do you?


David Rutten

Dear Mr. David,

Thanks for replying.

Yes, I am trying to make lots of different columns where the volutes gradually becomes fused or hydrized with the bevel or flutes ....

And I may also need help modeling the base .... In grasshopper.

Please help.

Hi Afi,

I have serious reservations about your choice of software for this. Even if you could do this in GH that doesn't mean that you should. I suspect a mesh or voxel based modeler is far better suited for this sort of thing than Rhino+GH.

You may also want to look at Uformia's tools, they have some pretty advanced geometrical smoothing algorithms, though I do not know to what extend their current software is production ready.


David Rutten

Dear Mr. David,

Thank you for the advice.
I checked out the uformia's website but it seems it would not be compatible
With my rhino 5 ..64bit version since it only runs on the 32 bit version. I don't want
Invest in the software when It may not even run on my computer.

Are there any other choices? In your earlier message you indirectly stated that it may be possible with grasshopper although difficult ....

Stressed baby scriptor

Well, there is a 3d model in Rhino to be repeated in the grasshopper?...

Well, we still need an algorithm for constructing it.






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