
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I've downloaded the oasys GSA trial version

and trying to apply this example

(the Von Mises Stress)

But there's this error coming at the ssiGSAsolver component:

1. Error in conducting analysis or extracting result.  Troubleshooting is best done by ensuring GSA application is started prior to starting grasshopper, setting C input of this component to false and validating model Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {8A313280-31DA-4296-8A91-49ABF783E962} failed due to the following error: 80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG)).

what should i do? 

it seems that GSA and Rhino arent communicating

Views: 720

Replies to This Discussion


Sorry, I've been a bit slow updating to GSA v8.7

If you check, you'll find a new installer there.  Please update and see if this fixes the problem.



thanks for the quick response!

i did install the update few minutes ago but there's still an error popping up!

at least another type of error!

1. Error in conducting analysis or extracting result.  Troubleshooting is best done by ensuring GSA application is started prior to starting grasshopper, setting C input of this component to false and validating model Value does not fall within the expected range.

p.s. i do what the error says i must ensure apart the last one which i can't understand what it means

It worked! the mesh had too much faces thats why it didnt work....


just one more question, is there a way i can create another force apart gravity and apply it at the upper part of the mesh? see the photo attached!



I too have this error and have not been able to resave it. I Have GSA 10.1.





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