
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

This may sound trivial.

In Grasshopper,  If I have two curves , lets say in Rectangular figure in which they touch to each other.

Then I join those two curves using (JOIN CURVES).

I expect that they will share the common vertices index where they meet each other .

But that is not what I found. They still have separate point index.

How can I join curves in which the points that meet will be count as one points index instead of still separated points index?

Thank you. 

Views: 803

Replies to This Discussion

Please post a file with the geometry so we can see for ourselves what is happening.

A closed curve is defined as a curve where the start-point and end-point meet. So a closed curve always has 'double' points at the seam. Is that what you're seeing?


David Rutten

Thank you David for  the response.

I attached the Rhino and GHX file.

Previously (2 hours ago) I post about a thread about thickening a surface problem. Its related to this problem. 

In the attached file, the GHX components circled in blue is my attempt to join the curves in Rhino into one curve that should shares common vertex where the points meet. When I join, it still have 54 curves instead of 1. Is it possible to make those 54 curves joint into 1 curve?

Related to my previous post, the GHX component circled in red is my attempt to extrude the lofted surface (outer with inner). However, as I mentioned in the previous post, the lofted base surfaces are fine but the top part of extrusion gives me a gap or intersected edge (depending on the Extrusion Normal Direction) when I extrude it in Normal to each lofted surface (because it is extruded with bent surface as its base). Is it possible to thicken the lofted surfaces that will have no gap or intersected edge? 

Due to the thicken surface problem,I try to  use the first problem approach. (my plan: join all curves to one curve, then offset it in Normal, then loft those two to make thickness).

Please suggestion.

Thank you. 







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