
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all,

I'm generating a kangaroo spring vault. I have a series of organised points being manipulated by the Kangaroo engine (these points also generate the meshes) I have a series of springs and forces which manipulate the overall form, everything works fine… However, I'm trying to add a planarize force to the calc but I am either missing a step or have a data list issue? I haven’t used the planarize component before so I'm a tad unclear as to how the data should be organised (currently ordered the same a point geometry).

As soon as I plug in the planarize component to the forces input the calcs fails… can anyone spot where I'm going wrong?   



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This is a data list issue.

Planarize needs an input of 4 points per face (ie you need to separate out the quads from the triangles)

See the attached file for a fixed version of your definition


Many Thanks Daniel,

Seems a bit obvious now. 

Hi Daniel,

Just a short question, what about the needs of the component "planarize  any polygon"; i ve tried to planariaze 6 point faces (hex mesh), but the solver ends messing everything up instead of planarizing. Already tried polyline, independent lines (one per edge), two quads and then using the mesh´s edges, and then extracting the vertices to use in the component mentioned above. THNX in advance. LF

Hi Dean,
Nice def!
how you construct the initial grid for vault generation?
it was manually?¿

Hi, could you please tell me, what could be the best way to get regular grid lines inside the input boundary closed curve or surface like on your model. 

(I have tried:

A)WB quad split subdivision, or other wb subdivisions

B)surface to mesh - when the surface have to be lofted - good qrid from quads, but problems in the corners and points of bend

C)make it manually - lot of work

It seems that it could be easy done with kangaroo relaxing - but I dont have the strings - and thats my problem over and over again ...



What kind of boundary curve are you using?

Sometimes a combination of (C) and (A) can be useful - so manually model very roughly with a few quads, then subdivide (and then pull to the boundary if necessary)






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