
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey everyone!

I was wondering if there's a fast way of trimming all curves that overlap.

I just want to trim the bits in the green circles.

Would be great to get some advice and help cause this thing's massive and it's way too time consuming to trim every single bit.

Thanks in advance!



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Hi Ra,

If you can separate your inner curves and outer curves then the easiest thing would be to send all your outer curves into an RUnion Component. The icon has changed for v0.7 but its there in v0.6

Sweet! Saves me much time! Thanks Danny!
Hey Danny,

It works but when I try doing it to a whole bunch of circles packed within a boundary, the region union component doesn't work. It only seems to work when I select a few circles. Would you by any chance know the reason why?

Can you send me the files?
Yea sure.

Thank you so much for having a look at it!
Hi Ra,

The RUnion component doesn't seem to work as expected I agree, so I've created a GH definition that will do the same thing by going back to basics. Have a look at this definition which achieves the desired effect. The file was written in v0.6 just for you.

Wow! Thanks a lot Danny! It's trying to load right now.

Could you by any chance give me some hints on how to map these circles onto an irregular surface? I had problems projecting it onto a surface in rhino. I tried doing this in Kangaroo but I don't think I used the component right.\

I got a screenshot here:

Thank you so much again!
Sorry to sound like a broken record, but in v0.7xx there is a component that will do this.

I'll have think about the v0.6 approach.

Could I do the same with geometries like the one in my screenshot?
Hi, I also tried this file but in v0.7 and it doesn't seem to work. Do you know of any changes I might make to update it?
I have a v0.7 one as well.
works great, thanks!






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