
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello All,

I have been trying to create a diagrid that follows the shape of the base surface rather than being series of straight line. I followed this tutorial but I have a problem:

when I use "divide surface", I dont get four list items as 0, 1, 2 ,3 all i get is a long sries of numbers. so I can connect those points. Any idea?

Thanks so much for your help.


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You can use curve on surface for an isotrimmed main surface


Thank you so much Mohamad jan, I have been trying to do this for 3 days! 

my best

You're welcome :)

I am trying to sweep the digrid curves with a rhino curve to make the custom window profile. any suggestion on that? 

You can make the profiles by extruding a curve along a curve or use sweep. You can use any point for orienting the profile curve, I've used the area centroid


Thanks so much Mohamad jan, You Rock!

I actually decided to morph the panel object on the revolved surface rather than building the diagrid. The reason was the triangular profile for the diagrid; which I couldnt get the base of it to be tangent to the base surface at all time. I tried sweep. I am using Rhino 4 and plugin for Rhino 4 dose not have extrude curve along a curve. 

The morph seems to work fine, but the top part of geometry is not smooth. It is somehow segmented. I tried to define an attractor point to make the panels closer to the top smaller, no luck! (V2) Any suggestions on that? Thanks a lot for all your help Mohamad jan and I wish you the very best.




You're welcome Mahsa

You can easily  solve all your problems by using surface morph

Surface morph will smoothly morph your object on the surface
There is also a trick which you can attract your module on the top and bottom. Graph mapper can change the density of the domains and hence act like an attractor

I suggest you disable the surface morph, change the handles and then run morph because surface morph is a heavy function.


Because you have a periodic surface I suggest you make the surface with an open curve. By adjusting the graph mapper (U = linear, V= Bezier) You can have the modules attract at the top and bottom

When you felt that the domain divisions are fine you can enable the surface morph


So I have a complex polysurface, any idea how to get the diagrid applied to the entire object when I set multiple surfaces?







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