
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Silkworm Source Code Release and Development

Hello Silkworm users,

Due to recent interest in this plugin again we are today making the source code public.  This source code can be downloaded at this location, we hope you can join our collaborative project:


Additionally we are hoping to progress with the development of a few items over the coming months and weeks, this is also how we would like to organise our G-Code/ 3D printing components:


1. Settings

  • Clarification of the use of settings in the Silkworm components;

  • Extend settings customization possibilities (flowrates, jerk, steps/mm, accelerations, temperatures, hardware physical properties etc)

  • Create a database of default setting files for the more popular types of 3d printers

  • Dynamic settings and custom slicing algorithms

2. Geometry

  • Optional add Brim

  • Generate supports for geometry

  • Support for custom infill patterns

3. Compiler

  • Porting of component C# code to Grasshopper user objects for additional user accessibility, excluding Generator and Visualiser components

  • Multi-extruder support

  • Colour printing support

4. Visualization

  • Develop visualisation component to support additional attributes (i.e. colour printing) and physical simulation

5. Printer Control

  • Send to print button to send G-Code directly to printer

  • Integrate a printer client for real time control of the 3d printer

If anyone is interested in helping with these items they can email us at


Please upload any experiments that you have done with Silkworm on the group page, the picture attached is from Andrei Jipa, our new member:

The Silkworm Team


Views: 1470


You need to be a member of Grasshopper to add comments!

Comment by Morgan Rohla on November 11, 2024 at 1:24am

The release of the "Silkworm Source Code" is an exciting development for the gaming community. This open-source initiative fosters innovation and collaboration, allowing developers to contribute to and improve the project. It's also a step forward in combating issues like Viewer bots in streaming platforms, as the community can now build more robust anti-bot features. With the source code available, developers can explore, modify, and integrate new features, enhancing the game's mechanics and ensuring its long-term success. Overall, the Silkworm Source Code release opens up many possibilities for both players and creators in the gaming ecosystem.

Comment by MichaelD0112 on October 21, 2023 at 6:32am

Source code release and development play a pivotal role in the tech industry's evolution. When a company shares its source code, it fosters collaboration and innovation. Open-source projects exemplify this, empowering a global community of developers to contribute and improve software. App development agency often benefit from open source, using shared code as a foundation to accelerate their projects. This collaborative approach not only drives efficiency but also cultivates a culture of knowledge exchange, ultimately advancing the entire software development ecosystem.

Comment by Anuj Modi on July 29, 2019 at 12:16am


Every time I am trying to export ender 3 settings as INI profile from Slic3r and import to silkworm, it gives an error. 

Any suggestion as to how to proceed ahead? 

Comment by dajana on December 5, 2015 at 7:30pm

Hi Arthur,

Thank You so much. I have G code that works now,very simple one, but as I wrote some settings still have to be corrected manually to correspond with Ultimaker 2 , as Z 0 .... 

Comment by Arthur Mamou-Mani on December 5, 2015 at 3:47am

Hi  Dajana, 

I replied by email but see this thread for saving Gcode files:

Your Ultimaker will probably need its own settings file (.ini), I suggest making a settings file in Slic3r and exporting it once it works.

Comment by dajana on December 4, 2015 at 2:06pm


Could You please help me - once I have G code as an output , stream content doesn`t have an option to save it as a g - code, how could I transfer it into g code file ,and make it  readable by Ultimaker ? 

Comment by Christian Schmidts on June 2, 2014 at 7:48am

Dear Silkwormers,

Great Project! Would be interested to use Silkworm with my Ultimaker 2. Has it been done before by anyone? I'm not an expert to g-code and plug-in development and quite new to 3d printing, so what would be the best way to start? I guess I have to adjust the Slic3r settings?





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