
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Tenta[TIVE] -Grasshopper Generated Tentancle Organisms-Structures

This video documents the process of creating tentacle-like structures / artificial organisms within GH. This procedural model integrates recursion through C# scripting for the development of the moving and adapting tentacles. The procedure is parametrically defined in terms of the initial geometry explored , the inherent properties of the tentacles (i.e the distance between them, their interlocking ect) and the size of the final structure. However each organism can be addressed as an emergent bottom-up outcome.
The initial boost for this experiment came from this discussion:
More info soon at:
How about this maya??

Views: 630


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Comment by Marios Tsiliakos on October 1, 2012 at 2:26am

Sweet!! Looking forward to it..

Comment by Michael Pryor on September 30, 2012 at 1:09pm

it does avoid multiple objects. I'm still fine tuning but will def send it to you when completed.

Comment by Marios Tsiliakos on September 30, 2012 at 11:10am


I believe that this would be an interesting experiment. Is the curve around definition operating on multiple objects at the dame time, meaning avoiding multiple objects? A nice ecosystem would emerge from this approach.

Comment by Michael Pryor on September 30, 2012 at 10:37am

hmnn wonder if this can implement along with my curve around definition so it can grow around objects. Nice work.

Comment by Marios Tsiliakos on September 30, 2012 at 7:01am

@ Jacek

Thank you. This routine can actually have a fair amount of control over self intersections. The thing is that this can only happen when each tentacle is regarded as a curve, while carefully adjusting the recursive parameters of the script as the algorithm iterates(either manually of by a feedback loop). The advancement to the level where the resulting mesh can be treated as a non intersecting totality isn't realized yet, plus I am guessing that this would be really intense in terms of computing time and power.  

Comment by Marios Tsiliakos on September 30, 2012 at 6:54am


Thanks Arthur! yes the mesh is indeed is indeed very clean,no errors, faulty vertices or quads. However I haven't printed anything yet, hopefully will do in the near future. Unfortunately I don't have direct access to a 3dprinter. i will release part of the code and a brief explanation through my blog the following days.

Comment by Jacek Jaskólski on September 30, 2012 at 6:02am

nice work, have you tried implementing some additional code to detect collisions and avoid self-interections?

Comment by Arthur Mamou-Mani on September 30, 2012 at 5:45am

hehe "how about this maya??"

Comment by Arthur Mamou-Mani on September 30, 2012 at 5:45am

Very nice! And the mesh looks very clean, have you printed some examples? Looking forward to seeing the code.





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