
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Swarmal Morphology: Processing+iGeo

Through the use of swarming logic developed as a form of biomimicry, the code becomes a form generator. Within this system the abstraction of form and formal networks allows for both an architectural-ization and articulation of data. This data is then abstracted and represented through animation to form ephemeral feeling. The growing lines velocity is proportional the the aforementioned biomimicry.The code itself becomes part of the design process, allowing the manipulation of data to alter the final formal logic.

Processing code that mimics swarm of birds chasing prey. As they develop lines are drawn between their positions . The sphere representing the bird changes scale to mimic the flapping wings. Also each biod's mass and scale is randomly generated between a range of values to give differentiation to each member of the swarm.

Through UDP the processing swarm was input into grasshopper in real time. This allows for a mesh to be developed between attractors. The mesh creates clusters that represent nodes of density. Between each node the abstracted lines connected the localized formal logic.

Sound Design: Wiki Kane (Brandon Smart)
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