
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Swarm Intelligence XVb: Stigmergy Pheromone Paths

Using 2,5 k boids to travel throug vector field. Every movement, beginning from the random, leaves a trail on a field and nearby boids follow. After few iter...

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Comment by MichaelD0112 on May 16, 2024 at 6:12am

Swarm Intelligence XVb delves into the intricate phenomenon of Stigmergy Pheromone Paths, where collective behavior emerges from individual actions. This fascinating concept mirrors nature's efficiency, as seen in ant colonies and bee hives. Pheromones serve as guiding signals, shaping the trajectory of group actions without centralized control. Understanding this mechanism offers insights into optimizing traffic flow, logistics, and urban planning. Explore more about swarm intelligence and its applications at

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Comment by Ralph Zoontjens on May 9, 2018 at 4:24am

Are you sure this is done with Grasshopper?

1. is it done without scripting?

2. is it computationally efficient?

3. can you share your approach?
Many thanks in advance, I am looking to do something similar





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