
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Testing the new Spatial Deform component in Grasshopper 0.6.0015.

Spatial deformation is controlled by an array of grips and an array of local motion vectors. The closer a point is to a specific grip, the more it will "move" with the grip.

In this animation, the red grid is deformed by 5 points, each with its own motion vector. The 4 vertical lines at the corners all point in the same direction (they have the same motion vectors) and thus they would result in a non-deforming translation. However, the fifth grip (the moving one) has a shorter motion vector and thus it will bend the geometry around it away from the average translation.

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Comment by Alexander Kalachev on August 12, 2009 at 10:29am
Hi David is it possible to have a look on this definition?
Comment by David Rutten on July 29, 2009 at 3:51am
Hi Carlo,

it has nothing to do with form-finding. It's merely an inverse relationship between distance and affect. The grid I'm deforming is actually just a collection of lines, but it works on surfaces as well. Technically, when you're evaluating the space AT a grip, there is a kink in the space, but the Morphing algorithms in Rhino cannot handle this.
Comment by Carlo Beltracchi on July 29, 2009 at 3:41am
Hi David!
Really good stuff!!!
Can you take a look to this post and tell me if you think that there are some relationship between my work and your?
My goal was to realize a kinky as i can see here you are doing something similar.

Another question...are the border lines of the green surface regulated by a relaxation algorhytm, like a tensile surface (catenaries)? I'd really like to show you my last work on catenaries cause I think it should be developed and become a good tool to explore new shapes with the form finding.





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