
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

First working re-instatement of the RCP for Grasshopper 1.0
The RCP has a distinct EditMode which allows one to create, remove and re-order groups and items. Groups can be named and coloured and there are two special object s(to wit: separators and labels) for creating a friendlier UI. Items can be placed on the RCP via the menu of those objects which support publishing to the RCP. At the moment only buttons, toggles, swatches and sliders.

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Comment by Aris Nikolopoulos on November 21, 2017 at 10:54am

Is it possible to publish graphs in Remote Control Panel? that would be great!

Comment by Msahli zouhir on December 5, 2013 at 11:48am

That is a Great Job !

I can't wait , How long it takes to be released?

Comment by Nick on December 2, 2013 at 9:02am

That is awesome news David!

Comment by Danny Boyes on December 2, 2013 at 4:24am

Glad to hear that Panels will make an appearance. Would they also be able to display text panels from the canvas with their contents from outputs. For example to show an Area. Or is this something for GH2.0 to have a Results Panel?

Can I make a request to have Value List as a priority for inclusion and a back burner for MD Sliders with a far fetched chance of Digit Scrollers?

Comment by David Rutten on December 2, 2013 at 4:12am

Yup, this is the last feature. There's a couple hundred bugs and crash reports still in the database as I've been ignoring it for the past few months. I have no idea how long it will take to deal with those, though 95% of them are probably already fixed or identical reports.

As for other items, probably not very many. I may add Text Panels as readonly text blocks, but then I'm calling it a day (or rather, then I'm calling it a 5 years). The goal for GH2 to have all custom input objects be publishable and lots of parameters as well.

I'm not very happy with the way things look yet. However it will not be possible to have labels on the same row with items unless I rewrite the layout engine again from scratch, which is not going to happen. However I do think that displaying the object nickname in front of the actual button or colour field will look nicer.

Comment by Danny Boyes on December 2, 2013 at 2:59am

Hi David,

Excellent work. Does this mean that GH 1.0 is near completion :)

At the moment only buttons, toggles, swatches and sliders.

What others are being planned? 

Also I really like the customisation and being able to label things differently to the canvas, but as there might be a premium on vertical pixels can things like the Colour Swatch and the Button allow for labeling in the same row? 

Comment by Ángel Linares on December 2, 2013 at 2:48am

It's comming back!!! :) I cannot wait!





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