
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Origami waterbomb simulator and placer (rhinoceros+grasshopper+kangaroo)

Here is my second try to make an origami simulator.
It works good now and errors on side's lenghts are lower than 3%.

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Comment by Riccardo Majewski on December 26, 2015 at 9:15am

Hi Ece Duran,

As you can see, I've already answered you 2 comment before...

In the youtube page of the video, in the description, there are links to download the file.

Let me know if you have something to ask after you tried it.

Remember this is an old definition, probably obsolete behavior inside.

Comment by Ece DURAN on December 25, 2015 at 9:32am

my design inspired by the waterbomb fold shown in your tutorials, and also it will be work with ardunio although i have tried lots of time to do the waterbomb in grasshopper\ i cannot do thic so could you possibly email me the definition?My email is It is so important for my final project in school

Thanks in advance!

Comment by Parantap on July 2, 2015 at 1:21pm

Thanks for the prompt reply, Will setup the discussion and keep you posted.

Comment by Riccardo Majewski on July 2, 2015 at 1:17pm

Hi Parantap.

For a proper help you should open a discussion in the forum and/or send me your solution.

N.B. few day ago i've added download links to the video's description (youtube page).

But i dont suggest you to use my definition, as it is old/obsolete, and as it is somehow complex, if you just use it, you'll not understand how and why it works.

My solution don't follow conventional way of origami behavior, it just some points "up" and some points "down" (pulling to surface).

You mesh is "cracking"... try to join the meshes and "combine & clean" them before start.

Dunno... again we should talk in a proper thread, so it'll become handy also for other ppl and its easier to follow the reply>reply tree.... this is just a comment section.

I'll be glad to help.

Comment by Parantap on July 2, 2015 at 12:54pm

(The problem)

HI Ricardo,

I am a student at the Architectural association and am trying to create origami patterns using grasshopper and kangaroo. However I am having some problems with the same. If you see the attached image the problem is the pattern breaks in between and I don't know why that is happening.

I tried watching your videos but I cannot understand Italian. Also I saw the components to try and recreate it but you have a few clusters in the definition which cant be seen. I tried the same definition with another ron resch patterns and that is fine. I also explored then by editting the origami cluster in kangaroo. Would be great If you can give me your inputs or share the definition or help me figure out the problems.



(This one works fine)

(In origami cluster in detail)

Comment by Nic on February 12, 2015 at 10:00am

A ma sei Italiano anche tu!! sei un grande! Bravo!

Comment by Riccardo Majewski on November 4, 2014 at 10:58am
Hi Sarah,
I've already did that type/pattern.
I'll send you something as soon as I can.
Comment by Sarah Waller on November 4, 2014 at 10:46am

Hi Ricardo,

Thanks for the tutorial. This is similar to the simulation I am trying to achieve. Actually it is exactly this tessellation: If you have a definition that would work best, I would greatly appreciate it. This is my first project in grasshopper and I need all the help I can get!



Comment by Riccardo Majewski on September 19, 2014 at 2:54pm

Hi April,

I've sent you a mail.

Comment by April Broderick on September 17, 2014 at 6:16am

Hi Riccardo,

This tessellation simulation is amazing! I am in awe. Thanks for the great tutorial. Sorry if I'm not the first to ask - but how have you defined the cluster at the very beginning? I am struggling with only this - I've created everything else. I would love to know as I'm making a live scale model of this tessellation out of copper and it'd be wonderful to see it simulated. If you could spare some time, my email is:        Thank you so much!





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