algorithmic modeling for Rhino
an optimization of the shortests pedestrian ways
Ive been trying to acchieve this by using triangulation and voronoi cells but I cant get the result you obtained. Do you have any other tutorial or guidelines I could follow?
Thanks !!!
something similar with maya:
Thank you for the reply.
The merging point is not fixed at all... It's the result of the attraction...It corresponds to the point which addition of the distances from it to each extern point is the smallest (sorry for my approximative english, I hope you understand...). And there is not any height in this model, only 2D.
Did the point in which all paths should merge, have fixed height? Disposition of the merging point should be changed in x and y direction, but it had a fixed height in z direction?
Hi Maxim, because I didn't know really how to use Galapagos, but I'm takin' a look right know...thx
As i can understand we seeking shortest ways between some points? Why not use Galapogos for this goals?
sure,i will give u the utube link soon...
Thank you for the reply.
#djordje - That's a simple threads attraction, shortests ways are the lines of the beginning... Attraction permite to diminue the number of ways and weight their importance... You can see some definitions on related videos...
#Avishek Das - Thx ! would like to see examples of Maya Hair tool for that kind of application too...
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