
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Testing an algorithm for interpreting colours with high-dynamic range channels. Normally if the RGB channels are clipped to the (0,1) range, colours with very bright channels tend to primary or secondary colours. Here instead I'm treating channel values outside of the (0,1) range as errors that need to be diffused to the remaining channels.

The video shows a section of constant red through an HDR RGB colour cube. Red starts out at -1.0 and ends up at 2.0, while green and blue go from -1.0 to 2.0 left-to-right and bottom-to-top respectively. The square in the middle shows where the blue and green values fall within the standard (0,1) range.

Views: 184


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Comment by MichaelD0112 on Tuesday
The HDR colours test is a fascinating way to explore how your brain processes vibrant hues. By evaluating how you perceive high dynamic range (HDR) colours, the test reveals your emotional and psychological responses to different shades. A unique twist is the 4 color personality test which classifies individuals based on their color preferences, offering insights into your personality traits. Whether you're a bold red enthusiast or a calm blue lover, this test helps uncover the subconscious connections between color and character.




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