
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Playing with inflated membrane tubes. Due to the relationship between membrane stress and tube radius only radius is changed, stress's for warp-weft is compu...

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Comment by Gerry D'Anza on October 2, 2013 at 8:34am

Ciao Martina

The GH file uses our RhinoMembrane component so its unusable  without it.

But I am not sure to understand well, are you interested in the false colour plot on the mesh ? 

This can be done within GH using a mesh color component and a list of colors (one for each mesh vertex)  the list of colors can come from any source you want .

If you need help just let me know 


Comment by Martina Fabbri on October 2, 2013 at 8:19am


we are architecture students from Bologna.
We want to apply the gradient of colors to a mesh to understand the course of efforts on it.
Your sketch seems that it may contain useful information for us. 

Can you send us the gh file please?

My mail is

Thank you.






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