
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Short video demonstrating how to use GH with Jewelry.

Views: 336


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Comment by Fabio Cataldo on September 22, 2011 at 9:06am

Hi Andres, thank you!

I´ll try to be there on Sao Jose do Rio Preto.

I´ve contacted Karina. Just waiting the workshop info

to try scheduling together my company.

Cheers, Fabio

Comment by Andres Gonzalez on September 22, 2011 at 8:55am

Hi Fabio


This is part of the work-shop GJD3D, it is given to the students that take that work-shop.



Comment by Fabio Cataldo on September 21, 2011 at 6:03pm
Hi Andres, would you share the definitions?
Comment by Andres Gonzalez on April 20, 2011 at 7:17am

Hi Atsuo


This is more or less the whole project. It is almost done, still need to make few more stones with GH, like the Diamond that we showed here.


We have like 25 or 30 definitions that will make very easy parts of Jewelry, like for sample:


1) Cutters

2) Prongs

3) Heads


Then, we have another that copies, scales and orients these parts to a Pave.


And the last part, is to make few definitions for making all kind of rings... But, using Generative Modeling. In other words, different than Matrix or RhinoGOLD, they do not have this.


Hope it helps some...


Today, I may make a video for the Cutters and Orient, Scale and Remap, see them on and then, you will see the WHOLE idea...


Last, I want to teach this, and as a PLUS, give all 30 GH definitions to the students, that is like 900 US$ just for the definitions! :-)


Say hello to your friends in Aplicraf ok

Comment by Atsuo Nakajima on April 20, 2011 at 1:07am
Hi Andres, you are define GH definition for each Jewel design?





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