
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Grasshopper - Sine Functions and Transformations

I've been working on a series of grasshopper tutorials ranging from beginner through to advanced, this is a more intermediate level tutorial, but check out my youtube channel for over almost 50 (and counting) unique grasshopper tutorials.

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Comment by Daniel Christev on May 10, 2016 at 9:55pm

Hey Mohamed

So here's two different ways that you could essentially pin the edges of the surface. The first way is to replace all edge values with the original value at that point, and the second method uses a graph mapper to define the strength of influence across the U and V directions of the geometry. (Note for the second method, in this very quick definition, the U and V division values are sensitive to being even or odd integers, just providing a method for how you would achieve either or).

One of my earlier tutorials was an intro to expressions as well (not sure how helpful it will be with you qualm), but I'd encourage you to put a bit of time into learning how to use and understand them as they can be quite helpful so as to not unnecessarily bulk up your definition.

Comment by Mohamed Naeim on May 10, 2016 at 12:29am

can i ask you for solving a small challenge

lets say we want to apply the pattern into panels, is it possible to create the surface waves without affecting the edges, with this kind of edges differentiation, it will not be possible to get  attached to other panels, or if its one wrapped/ring-like  surface, it will not fit.

hint: does the graph mapper solve the problem?

Comment by Mohamed Naeim on May 9, 2016 at 8:20pm

nice work Daniel, i hope you don't mind....

Expressions make me confused .... until i find an opposite grasshopper form 




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