
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

GJD_030 Stones Along Path, places stones in order, and normal to the SURFACE. Visit for more videos, photos and definitions.

Views: 204


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Comment by Pieter Segeren on May 24, 2011 at 12:50pm
:) Great, I'm looking forward to seeing this in in your next video. And you're welcome, glad you're enthousiastic about it.
Comment by Andres Gonzalez on May 24, 2011 at 8:35am
I get it, next time I do it that way!


Comment by Pieter Segeren on May 24, 2011 at 1:54am
I meant to say the 3D ring and the unrolled one could be in one screen side by side, and they adjust simultaniously of coarse.
To indicate where all the stones and stuff is going to go I usually mark the .25 .5 and .75 isocurves (both U and V) in the unrolled version too.
Best regards, Pieter
Comment by Andres Gonzalez on May 23, 2011 at 8:35pm

Yes, it is, but do not forget, the people that do this, have done it for many, many years and it is better to see it in full 3D first! :-)

The next problem is to create the PRONGS and orient the CUTTERS, do SOLID-SUBSTRACT and BINGO!

Many thanks to so many people at this NG that always, always wants to help. This one is 50% possible from the help of Danny!



Comment by Pieter Segeren on May 23, 2011 at 4:06pm
Very nice application of GH again:)
Just an idea: wouldn't it be easier to place the path and position of the stones on an unrolled surface? That way you can adjust the path easier too, to ensure it stays on the ring.





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