
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

principle's abstraction of streamline-placement algorithm from to 3D.

underlying field was an analysis result of karamba - principle stress field

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Comment by Robert Vier on May 6, 2013 at 9:17am

no i did not, although there is a wrapper for qhull around. from the beautiful times when grasshopper did not have 3D voronoi as a native feature ;) if i knew how to attach files here, i would have posted it anyway..

however, it works in a 'typically numeric' way by taking every mesh vertice as a possible starting point for a field line, and per iteration take the one point that is farthest from any existing geometry.. did it with hoopsnake for testing...



Comment by Manuel Sotomayor Millan on May 6, 2013 at 6:50am


That is exactly where i am stuck. I wanted to get the 3d delaunay algorithm, but most of the libraries i find are on C++ and have now idea on how to build a wrapper. Did you write your own 3d delaunay algorithm??

Comment by Robert Vier on May 6, 2013 at 4:39am

no cgal libraries involved, just the idea! but since their concept works with delaunay triangulation only in 2D, i abstracted it to 3D and arbitrary meshes as a basis to work on via nearest neighbor search .. also this is no component (except one minor c#) yet, but a definition to test the principle first .



Comment by Manuel Sotomayor Millan on May 5, 2013 at 7:34pm

Hi Robert.

Nice Work. How did you implement the CGAL libraries?? To what language??? 

Did you use swig for that?? I tried to call them from Python, (I think Clemens is friend of yours) he said me to use SWIG for that, but i don have a clue on how to do it.

Any hint???

Thanks in advance.

Nice work by the way.




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