
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

maxwell animation of a patterning experiment for VDRESS

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Comment by Brian Harms on March 21, 2012 at 9:56pm

Sure. It's actually just a 2d voronoi that gets mapped onto a surface (the form of the body). Then the voronoi cells are scaled from a point near the center of the dress and the original cells and scaled cells are lofted. The variation in pattern is achieved by plugging a triangular grid of points into the voronoi component (which creates a regular grid of triangles). Then each of those grid points meanders a bit from original location (starting with points near the bottom of the dress and working upwards) to break from the regular pattern and create the more "voronoi looking" pattern. The animation is driven by a single slider. 

Then I used giulio piacentino's renderAnimation component to export the frames to maxwell.

Comment by Eli Meltzer on March 21, 2012 at 9:41pm

This stuff is great, can you give a bit of a description of the process?





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