
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

This video illustrates an algorithm for simulating drainage on a surface. The script is written in Python and run in the Grasshopper 3D modeling environment.

In this animation the terrain shifts, and one can see how the drainage paths generated from a series of fixed sources shift to find the slopes and valleys in the terrain.

For each source point, the algorithm:

1. finds the downward sloping direction
2. moves in that direction a designated distance
3. finds the closest point on the surface
4. if this new point is not higher or too close, then
5. it repeats from the new point.

Views: 768


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Comment by I_M_F [Iker Mugarra Flores] on February 6, 2012 at 5:14am

Super cool script much more faster!!!

i was using Maya nParticles  to collect the particles positions and then importing the data to Rhino + Grasshopper using the CERVER Tools... then in grasshopper mapping the particle path...your scrip is so much interface friendly you shoud make it as a component!!!!

great Work....and thanks for sharing


Comment by Benjamin Golder on January 30, 2012 at 8:28pm

Hi Joe, sounds like an interesting script! Please feel free to post questions, and I'll do my best to answer them (though I get pretty busy sometimes).

Comment by josephmaphosa on January 30, 2012 at 1:19pm

Hi Benjamin this is a nifty script I'm looking to do a similar one that mimics the confluence of a river who you be able to give me a few pointers (be warned I am a bit of a novice )Thank you in advance for your help.Joe


Comment by Benjamin Golder on January 28, 2012 at 3:42pm





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