
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Another simulation type for my network strategy in me thesis project. This is based on agents depositing pheromones, that others then follow. The logic is essentially wander around, if you smell pheromones then follow them. The logic is similar to the way in which ants forage for food.

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Comment by Aleksander Dynarek on November 6, 2014 at 1:31pm

Done that. Works great. Wow, so many new options :-) still i don't know how to make agents heading towards pheromones. when i use attractor they just turn their back to their own pheromones. but i think i will figure it out after some time. thanks a lot

Comment by Jens Pedersen on November 6, 2014 at 5:34am


if you are coding it then it would be something like this in c#;

Color col = Rhino.Display.FromArgb(alpha,red,green,blue);


Something like that, I have forgotten the complete syntax to be honest, but it is something alon those lines, but play around with it.

if you are doing it in grasshopper then just deconstruct a mesh, get as many color values as you have vertices and then rebuild the mesh with the construct mesh component.

Comment by Aleksander Dynarek on November 5, 2014 at 3:58pm

@ Jens Pedersen


but how to colour a vertex?

Comment by Jens Pedersen on November 5, 2014 at 3:36pm


Use a mesh as your image. Every vertex can be assigned a color. And on top of that you get a lot of useful topological information.

I am currently playing around with my physarium slimemold stuff and real time occupancy maps for an installation, and it works quite well. Give it a go. I know that I will finaly have time to test what rutten suggested sometime in december. Will probably upload somestuff of from both projects within the next month or so.

Comment by Aleksander Dynarek on November 5, 2014 at 3:05pm

@ David Rutten

Can you please tell something more about how to store values in a pixel image?

I am working a lot on some looped algorithms, swarm behaviours and such, and pheromone topic really fascinated me.

Comment by Jens Pedersen on November 4, 2013 at 2:06am

Thank you guys! 

@David - great advice, I will try and make some time to test it!

@Jesus - I am interested in ants for their capacity to generate patterns based on use, however for the project that I am currently working on(diploma thesis) I will probably work with the physarium slime mold that I have also posted in here. 

@Nitya - this is not VB, it is written in c#. After I learned VB I started fidling around with other languages, and found that I prefer c#.

@Thank you Umar, yes I sis in grasshopper(wrote it in c#). I just played around with the preview methods and voila ;) 

Comment by Jesus Galvez on November 1, 2013 at 5:42pm

This reminds me that I saw a program that did the same thing almost 10 years ago. I did a little google search on "ant simulation", and I would have never thought that little ants could spawn such a burgeoning field!

Seems it's useful in optimization problems. Are you interested exclusively in ant simulation, or do you plan to optimize something?

Great work!

Comment by Nitya Balan on November 1, 2013 at 11:08am

is this vb as well like your 'reaction diffusion' work?

Comment by Nitya Balan on November 1, 2013 at 11:06am


i am officially blown away! 

Comment by Umar Jamshaid on November 1, 2013 at 11:00am

amazing work man!

did you do it on grasshopper? i am no pro but looks like processing, is it?





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