
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Annual optimal tilt and azimuth angle of an unshaded PV array

This video is an example of "Photovoltaics surface" component usage with Galapagos. It's based on PVWatts. Download at:

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Comment by haroldentwist on October 25, 2021 at 1:31am

That's right, the calculations are correct. Read more about how the photoelectric works here.

Comment by djordje on July 22, 2016 at 2:50am

Hi Hamid,

I get an email notification every time you post a new reply to your TOF algorithm topic.
There is no need to duplicate the replies in here as well.
Thank you.

Comment by Hamid on July 22, 2016 at 2:05am

Hi Djordje,

thanks for everything,

I need to draw a figure with azimuth = 180 and tilt angle between 0-90 degrees. because my project is fixed solar panel with azimuth at 180 degrees and various tilt angle between 0-90 degrees. Please see the picture below and tell me how can I separate the values for beam, diffuse, ground-reflection as well as total solar radiation for azimuth at 180 and tilt angle at 0-90 degrees.

Comment by Hamid on July 21, 2016 at 9:18am

I want to draw a figure related to the values of diffuse,beam, ground-reflected as well as total solar radiation.

Comment by Hamid on July 21, 2016 at 6:05am

Hi Djordje,

thanks a lot for helping,

please tell me how can I import the values of beam, diffuse and ground-reflection and total solar radiation that they calculated inside the TOF?

Thank you

Comment by djordje on July 19, 2016 at 7:14am

Hi Hamid,

Can you please open a new topic in Ladybug+Honeybee group?
And describe from the very beginning what you are trying to do, and what are your issues.
Thank you.

Comment by Hamid on July 19, 2016 at 5:51am

I used the following formulas: 

Comment by Hamid on July 19, 2016 at 5:11am

Hi again,

I have some questions, please respond me the following questions:

1- you told me all component(diffuse-direct-ground reflection) solar radiation are calculated per hour, there are 8760 hours data inside the EPW file, can you tell me how you used the data? for instance, you used the average of 8760 hours data and then feed it into the solar radiation components OR what?

2- the formulas are based on hourly solar radiation, how you change from hourly to annual and find the maximum solar radiation for a whole year?

3- in the formulas, there are no values of azimuth, as it can be seen in the picture below, annual total solar radiation as a function of azimuth as well as tilt angle. there are beta (tilt angle) in the formulas but there is no azimuth (gama) value in the formulas.

Comment by djordje on July 18, 2016 at 2:15pm

Hi Hamid.
Check this publication:
Beam component of the solar radiation is on page 22.
Diffuse component on page 24.
Ground reflected component on page 26.

totalRadiationPerHour output of the Photovoltaics Surface component calculates the hourly solar radiation (insolation) which is a summation of upper mentioned three components: beam, diffuse, ground. The TOF component does the same, but it does not output the results.
But yes, all Photovoltaics components use the same solar radiation equations.

Comment by Hamid on July 18, 2016 at 1:26pm

i am really confused 

the EPW calculates the diffuse and beam and reflected solar radiation as well as total solar radiation OR TOF does it?





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